

专业攻略 wowclassic 2021-5-9 22:30 447人浏览 0人回复

 首先,官方发布日期确定,是6月1日(亚洲是6月2日早上,国服不明)。台服是6月2日早上7点,韩服是早上8点开服,国服如果开的话,应该也是【这个时间段范围内】。  从5月18日开始,怀旧服玩家会有预先的选择,是 ...




最后是预购方面的奖励。会从5月18日开始,预购就会开始。预购包括2只坐骑、1个炉石、1个伊利丹之路玩具、直升58级服务、30天游戏时间: 1、【再次苏醒的相位猎手】——只能用于2.0怀旧服(Burning Crusade Classic,以下简称BCC)和1.0怀旧服。 2、【青绿色的相位猎手】——适用于当前魔兽版本(即魔兽9.0),会反映当前游戏的视觉效果。(不知道会不会像魔法灵龙那样变色) 3、【黑暗传送门的炉石】,会根据世界通道,传送时会有特效。 4、【伊利丹之路】玩具,让玩家脚下短时间内出现类似邪能火焰的效果(我个人估计是无头骑士马类似效果)。 5、叮58级服务。 6、30天游戏时间。
说真的,要是国服【海加尔】还在的话,我还真想玩一下。虽然魔兽有2.0和3.0哪个才是巅峰之争,但就PVP方面,S2-S3,甚至包括S4,绝对是历代【相对】平衡,并且最有吸引力的版本,当时被普遍认为是电竞项目的。(翻译成中文,就是除了暴雪自己砸钱办比赛外,还有其他第三方出钱举办的赛事,至少说明大家认为比赛相对【公平合理】。)3.0的其他内容很好,RAID本多,过渡也很好,但PVP彻底砸了。 作为盗贼玩家,当然希望是S2或S3赛季的天赋树(太阳井前的版本)。但按照暴雪1.0怀旧服的做法,更可能是直接2.4。不过,即便是S4,也还是比现在PVP【平衡】+【合理】太多。 游戏或许还是当年的游戏,但玩家早已不是当年的少年。你会考虑2.0怀旧服吗? PS:有当年海服联盟的玩家可以告之下,海服联盟主力都去哪个服了吗?


  Beyond the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands lies a realm shattered by the machinations of the Burning Legion: Outland, the once beautiful orc homeworld of Draenor. Seek out its mysteries beginning June 1 when Burning Crusade Classic™ launches around the world.
Before that, however, every hero must make a choice. Beginning on May 18, after each regional scheduled maintenance, the Burning Crusade Classic Pre-expansion Patch will be released, and each character must choose whether to advance onward to Burning Crusade, move to a Classic Era realm, or use the Character Clone service to play in both games. Read more about this process.
Heroes who choose to cross the Dark Portal will find themselves in Hellfire Peninsula, an aptly named barren wasteland, where fel orcs and cruel demons roam free. The established outposts of Thrallmar (for the Horde) and Honor Hold (for the Alliance) are not able to deter this endless tide of darkness on their own. It is up to you to fight for this shattered world to rid it from evil. . . or watch its demonic denizens consume everything you hold dear.

  Digital Deluxe Edition Upgrade
The digital deluxe edition will be available to purchase on May 18th and include:


  • The Reawakened Phase-Hunter mount, a creature that draws on the otherworldly energies that transformed Draenor into Outland, for use only in Burning Crusade Classic and designed to match the look of the original expansion
  • The Viridian Phase-Hunter mount, a variant for use in modern World of Warcraft (including Shadowlands) and reflecting the game’s current visual style
  • A Dark Portal Hearthstone for use in Burning Crusade Classic, providing a unique visual effect inspired by the gateway between worlds
  • The Path of Illidan toy for Burning Crusade Classic, which causes your character’s footsteps to leave flickering fel fire in their wake for a short time
  • The Dark Portal Pass, which boosts one character to level 58 (same restrictions as standalone Dark Portal Pass apply; cannot be combined with standalone Dark Portal Pass purchase)
  • 30 days of World of Warcraft game time, providing access to WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic, and the modern game





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