

专业攻略 wowclassic 2020-12-6 00:18 577人浏览 0人回复

加入雷文德斯的温西尔以后可以开启盟约专属玩法灰烬王庭,宴请来自各大盟约的名人来做客,扩大温西尔的影响力巴拉巴拉。宾客有一套亲密度系统,提高亲密度可以获得各种奖励。另外还可以跟他们通信~作为一枚成天在毒 ...




  女伯爵 The Countess ...

  My beautiful $p, I was most pleased to receive your letter, for I have been thinking of you as well. I simply cannot wait to tell you what happened to a certain duke at my latest court. It is positively hilarious. I thought of you immediately when it happened. Until then, The Countess

  我美丽的$p, 我很高兴能收到你的来信,我一直都在想着你呢。 我已经等不及想把上一次王庭中某位公爵的遭遇告诉你了。 那真的非常滑稽,我当时就想到了你。


  My beautiful $p, Although I would rather speak with you in person, I always welcome your messages. I fear I have nothing of particular import of which to inform you since last we spoke. It has been positively dull out here in the Redelav District. Perhaps I shall stir up a little excitement... Devilishly yours, The Countess

  我美丽的$p, 虽然我更想和你当面聊天,但是你的信件我也欢迎。 在我们上次相谈之后,我还没有什么重要的事情能告诉你。 雷迪拉夫区总是非常无趣。 也许我可以找点乐子……

  你残忍的, 女伯爵

  My beautiful $p, Imagine my joy when I discovered your message amongst the letters Alfryd brought me this morning. It was, of course, the first to which I replied. As to your question, I cannot say. I will see what gossip I may uncover amongst the socialites and nobles of the Redelav District in regard to it. Come see me soon and I shall share what I learn. Sincerely, The Countess

  我美丽的$p, 我在阿尔弗莱德带来的一沓信件中发现了你的邮件,你不知道我当时多么欣喜。 这当然也是我最先回复的一封信。 至于你的提问,我无法回答。我会留意雷迪拉夫区贵族与名流之间的风言风语。 请尽快来找我,我会与你分享我的发现。

  诚挚的, 女伯爵

  石首 Stonehead ...

  (The vast majority of words on the page are crossed out and misspelled.) Dear Best Bud, Lost Sybille read me letter. Lost Sybille teach me write back. You still best bud! Greetings, Stonehead


  我最亲爱的好朋友, 失落的西比尔给我读了信。 失落的西比尔教我写回信。 你还是我最好的朋友!

  问候你, 石首

  (The vast majority of words on the page are crossed out and misspelled.) Best Bud, Me no read letter. Lost Sybille not here. Okay bye. Me, Stonehead


  好朋友, 我没读信。 西比尔不在。 好了再见。

  我, 石首

  (The vast majority of words on the page are crossed out and misspelled.) Best Bud, Me need snacks. Your letter bad snack. Send snack letter. Need snacks, Stonehead


  好朋友, 我想要点心。 你的信不好吃。 来封点心信。

  要吃点心, 石首

  伦德尔 Rendle ...

  Hey $p, Why'd you write us a letter? We're right here in Sinfall. Cudgelface don't read so good. Just stop by and say hi next time. Rendle

  嘿,$p, 你怎么会想着给我们写信的?我们就在堕罪堡呀。 棍脸不太识字,你下次过来打个招呼就行了。


  Hey $p, This what it feels like be a fancy noble, gettin' letters all the time? Not sure I like it. Talkin's easier and I'm a lot better at it. You see the fancy calligraphy I did on your name at the top? Took too long, so I stopped after that. But it looks great, yeah? Anyway, gotta run. How do dem fancy fangs end letters? Probably some big swirly calligraphy, right? (The rest of the page is covered in excessively large swirls.)

  嘿,$p, 书信一封接着一封,这就是成为华丽贵族的感觉吗? 我也说不清自己是否喜欢,说话更方便,而且我也更擅长。 你看到我在你名字旁边写下的精美字体了吧? 这花了我好久,以后还是算了。但看起来还是很棒吧? 不管怎么样,我还有事,那些精致的尖牙贵族是怎么结尾的来着? 花哨的螺旋连笔签名,对吧?


  棍脸 Cudgelface ...

  This is Cudgelface. Thanks for letter. I like letters now. I write letters now. I'm learning new things. This is Cudgelface.

  我是棍脸。 谢谢写信。 我喜欢信。 我也写信。 学新东西。


  地穴看守者卡希尔 Cryptkeeper Kassir

  Greetings old friend, I am certain you would be amused to know that your letter surprised me. Quite literally. The stone fiend threw it at me while I was locking up one of the crypts. That particular messenger must have had a grudge against me. You never can fully trust a stone fiend. Stone fiends must obey our orders, but they are devilishly good at finding loopholes when they want to. I have ordered my messenger directly to not throw, toss, or lob this letter at you. Hopefully it works. Sincerely, Cryptkeeper Kassir

  你好,老朋友, 你肯定很想知道,你的来信让我大吃一惊,是字面上的意思。 我当时正在给地穴上锁,石精突然把信扔给了我。哈! 那个信使肯定对我很不爽。 你没法真正信赖一个石精,石精必须遵从我们的指令。但只要它们想,它们总能找到漏洞。 我已经直接命令信使不得把这封信抛掷、投掷或扔给你。希望这有用。

  诚挚的, 地穴看守者卡希尔

  Greetings old friend, I was encouraged by your letter. I am confident that Sinfall is in capable hands. Would you please ask the Accuser to stop by my crypts the next time she travels to the Halls of Atonement? I could use her advice on a certain situation with one of the souls we found in the crypts. Most unusual... Sincerely, Cryptkeeper Kassir

  你好,老朋友, 你的信鼓舞了我,我相信堕罪堡现在已归于能人之手。 下次你请指控者到赎罪大厅时候,能让她顺便到我的地穴坐坐吗? 我们在地穴中找到了一些灵魂,对于其中的某一个……我需要寻求她的意见。 那真是太不寻常了……

  诚挚的, 地穴看守者卡希尔

  Greetings old friend, You must forgive my short reply. The Chamberlain's thugs have cracked open one of my crypts again! They stole the soul that I was tending to, and put a mirror in the crypt instead. Do not worry, I did not follow them through it. I know better than to wander into a mirror when I do not know its destination. Sincerely, Cryptkeeper Kassir

  你好,老朋友, 请原谅我的简短回信,宫务大臣的走狗又一次砸开了我的地穴! 他们偷走了我看管的灵魂,还放进去了一面镜子。 别担心,我不会跟着他们进去的。 我当然不会进入一面不知道通向哪里的镜子。

  诚挚的, 地穴看守者卡希尔


  月莓女勋爵 Lady Moonberry

  If you can read this, you must really be $p. I enchanted the parchment to reveal my true message only to you. Everyone else will see a drawing of Bwonsamdi's behind--ha! That's what they deserve for reading someone else's letter! Anyway, I don't really have anything to say, I just really wanted to trick someone into looking at the drawing. Leave it somewhere that the Prince will find it. That'd be hilarious! See you soon, Lady Moonberry

  如果你能读到这封信,你肯定是真正的$p。 我对书卷施了魔法,只会向你显示真正的讯息。 其他人只会看到邦桑迪的屁股!哈哈哈! 偷看别人信件活该得到这种下场! 其实我也没什么想说的,我只是想骗几个人看到那副画。 你把信留在王子能找到的地方吧。这一定滑稽极了!

  回见, 月莓女勋爵

  Heya $p, Thanks for the letter. I read it to Lemonseed and the gang and everyone here loved it! They're all so jealous that I get to attend the Ember Court with you. They're begging me to take them to the next one. What a great opportunity to play some tricks on them all... See? Even when the Ember Court isn't happening, it's still fun! Talk to you soon, Lady Moonberry

  嗨呀,$p, 感谢你的来信,我读给了柠核和其他人听,大家都很喜欢呢! 我可以和你一起参加灰烬王庭,这让他们都羡慕坏了,都求我下次带上他们。 这是个戏耍所有人的好机会…… 瞧,就算没有灰烬王庭,乐趣也随处可寻!

  下次再聊, 月莓女勋爵

  $p, We're best friends, right? And best friends don't ask uncomfortable questions when asked for a favor, right? Right? Okay, good. I need you to send me twenty dredgers in a crate. Give them all muckbombs and confetti, with orders to shout "Gotcha!" when the crate is opened. I'll owe you one, Lady Moonberry

  $p, 我们是最好的朋友吧? 最好的朋友想请你帮个忙的话,你总不会寻根问底吧? 对不对? 好的,很好。 我需要你把二十个泥仆装进箱子,塞满泥巴炸弹和彩带,让他们在打开箱子的瞬间大喊“耍到你了!”

  算我欠你的, 月莓女勋爵

  狩猎队长柯莱恩 Hunt-Captain Korayn

  To $p, Thank you for sending an exhaustive report of your recent hunts. Not all of them appear relevant to the Wild Hunt's current endeavors, but they are impressive regardless. I held the line against an enraged eggtender from Gormhive today. Watcher Ver'lo got the killing blow with a perfectly aimed arrow from the balcony above. It's a shame you weren't there to see it. You would've appreciated the accuracy of his shot. Continue the hunt, Hunt-Captain Korayn

  致$p, 感谢你事无巨细地叙述了最近的狩猎之旅。 这些似乎都和荒猎团目前的事务无关,但确实令人印象深刻。 我今天在戈姆之巢抗击一只暴怒的护卵者。守护者威尔洛在露台上射出了完美的一箭,拿下了最后一击。 可惜当时你不在场,否则你肯定也会钦佩他的准头。

  继续狩猎吧, 狩猎队长柯莱恩

  To $p, I won't contest the accuracy of your current tally of kills, as reported in your previous letter. But I do find them suspiciously high. I suppose you are the Maw Walker... Still, I enjoy our contests and will attempt to keep up with you. I have recorded one-hundred thirty-eight killing blows since I received your previous letter, and have--

  (Hunt-Captain Korayn's writing trails off the page.) Make that one-hundred fifty-two kills! Sure, a few in that last wave were mites, but I can't afford to be picky when you're so far ahead! Beat that, Hunt-Captain Korayn

  致$p, 你在之前的信件中报告了猎物的数量,我不会质疑它的精确性。 但是这个数字也太高了。我想你作为噬渊行者…… 但我依然很享受狩猎竞赛,我也会尽量追上你。 自我收到你的上一封信以来,我已经完成了138次猎杀,并且……



  再接再厉, 狩猎队长柯莱恩

  $p, I received your letter in a rare moment of quiet here at Claw's Edge. The tales of your recent adventures were most welcome, both to me and the few hunters and grovewardens recovering alongside me. I hope you don't mind: I shared your stories with them. Your legend is growing faster than you might imagine. There's no doubt that tales of the mighty Maw Walker will be told around Wild Hunt campfires for a long time in Ardenweald. I am proud to be a part of your story. Until we hunt together again, Hunt-Captain Korayn

  $p,收到你的来信时,我正在利爪之缘度过少有的宁静时刻。 我、其他猎人和林地卫士都很喜欢你最近的冒险故事。 希望你不介意让我和他们分享故事,你的传奇正在不断流传,可能远超你的想象。 毋庸置疑的是,噬渊行者的辉煌传说将在荒猎团的营火边流传不息了。 我很自豪能成为这段传说的一部分。

  愿我们能再次狩猎, 狩猎队长柯莱恩

  艾莉奥瑟 Aliothe

  Dear $p, I hope this letter eventually reaches you. I've learned to be wary of faeries offering to help, but this one brought a letter from you! Or least a very good imitation of one... Still, I think we know each other well enough by now to identify one another's writing style. As to the content of your letter, I trust you know that my grove is always welcome to you. Many have found peace and safety here after troubles in their past, myself included. Whenever you need respite from the heavy burdens of being the Maw Walker, you will always find it here in Hibernal Hollow. Sincerely, Aliothe

  尊敬的$p, 希望这封信能送到你的手上。我现在已经会提防妖精们的主动帮助了,但这个妖精带来了你的信件! 或者……至少模仿得很像。 但我们应该已经熟识了,能够认出各自的书写方式。 至于邮件的内容,我的林地永远欢迎你。许多灵魂都在这里找到了安宁与平和,放下了过往的烦恼。我也一样。 只要你想卸下噬渊行者的重担,冬日林谷随时欢迎你。

  诚挚的, 艾莉奥瑟

  Dear $p, Your previous letter was the talk of the grove. Guardian Molan was impressed by the tales of your recent battles. He requests that you send more details, including sketches of the tactical positioning used during the fight. Na'lor was breathless at the description of the vistas you witnessed on your travels. There is wanderlust in that one... Taiba and the crafters are eager to inspect your new equipment the next time you visit. They hope to learn a thing or two while repairing it for you. Your willingness to spread knowledge between the realms has inspired us all. Thank you, Aliothe

  尊敬的$p, 你的上一封信件成为了林地热议的话题。 守护者莫兰对你最近的战斗故事钦佩不已。他希望你能多讲一些细节,包括在战斗中使用的战术定位理论。 纳洛尔因为你在旅途中见证的奇景而倾倒,那家伙都快坐不住了…… 泰巴和工匠们想在你下次来访的时候观摩一下你的新装备。他们打算在修理的时候好好学习一下。 你在各个国度间传播知识的热情激励了所有人。

  谢谢你, 艾莉奥瑟

  Dear $p, Anima falls like stars in the grove as I write this letter to you. Dazzlewing weaves between them in the sky, giggling. Teendynneetll remains still, but has not yet noticed that a single star has landed on their shoulder. Or perhaps, they do not mind. It is moments like this that make the fighting worthwhile. Remember that as you strive toward your next endeavor. From your previous letter, it sounds like it will be a most worthwhile one. But as you walk your path and embrace your role as Maw Walker, do not forget to rest in the peaceful moments as well. They remind us why we must fight. In rest, Aliothe

  尊敬的$p, 在我写这封信的时候,心能正如林地中的群星一般纷纷坠落。嬉笑着的炫翼在空中编织着它们。 提恩迪尼特尔还是一动不动,没有注意到肩上落下的一颗星……也可能是毫不在意吧。 看到这样的美妙时刻,你经历的所有苦战都变得值得了。在你为下一个目标不懈奋斗的时候,请别忘记这一点。 从你的上一封信来看,你的新目标似乎很有价值。 但是在你踏上自己的道路、承担作为噬渊行者的责任时,不要忘记在这样的安宁时刻中歇息片刻。 这会提醒我们战斗的理由。

  安宁静歇, 艾莉奥瑟

  丘法 Choofa

  Hey $p, I was just trying to wake up Rury when your letter came. Hours of my shouting at him couldn't get him to budge, but the moment he heard you'd wrote us a letter, he perked right up. Figures, heh. Anyway, we all like the plan you're thinking of for the next Ember Court. Sounds like it'll be a blast! We're going to get an invitation, I assume. It wouldn't be right to tease us with the details and then not ask us to come... right? Right?! Waiting for that invitation, Choofa and the gang

  嘿,$p, 在我想唤醒鲁力的时候,你的信刚好来了。 我冲他吼了几个小时,都没能让他动弹。可是他一听到你寄来了信,突然就打起了精神。人呐,呵呵。 反正我们都很喜欢你对下一场灰烬王庭的安排。听起来就很棒! 我们会想办法获得一份邀请的。你总不会把精彩内容都告诉了我们,结果却不请我们去吧? 对不对?

  静候邀请, 丘法和朋友们

  I gotta make this one quick, $p. I can't go into all the details, but let's just say that I MIGHT have squirreled away some leftover fireworks from the last few Ember Courts. And I MIGHT have decided to use them to scare the walnuts outta Lady Moonberry. Now I'm on the run. Lady Moonberry swore to get me back real good, and she doesn't do halfway when it comes to pranks! I'm hoping she thinks Rury did it. He'll be easy to catch! Send more fireworks! Choofa-on-the-run

  我长话短说,$p。 我没法说细节了,我“可能”在前面几场灰烬王庭中捎走了一些剩下的烟火。我也“可能”用它们吓坏了月莓女勋爵。 我现在只能开溜了,月莓女勋爵发誓要给我点颜色看看,而她要搞恶作剧可从来不会半途而废! 希望她以为是鲁力干的,毕竟抓他比较方便!

  再送点烟火来! 落跑的丘法

  Hey buddy! I gotta say, your letter made me even more excited for the next Ember Court. My hype level is cranked to eleven! So when's it gonna happen? Slanknen won't stop asking me about it, and Awool's giving me his go-to grumpy stare from across the grove. To be honest, the stare is probably my fault, but Slanknen's curiosity isn't! You gotta give me some details to share with him. Or better yet, swing by Tirna Vaal and bring us our invitation in person! It'd be fun to see you. Keep partying, Choofa

  嘿,朋友! 你的信让我更期待灰烬王庭了。我的兴奋指数已经爆表了! 所以什么时候举办呢?斯兰克宁一直问个不停,而阿乌尔也隔着整片林子向我投来恼怒的目光。 坦白地说,愤怒目光多半是我不好。但是斯兰克宁和我可没关系!你最好分享一些细节,让我跟他说说。 或者你可以直接到瓦尔仙林来转转,亲自给我们发邀请函! 能见到你一定很愉快。

  聚会不停歇, 丘法


  米卡尼科斯 Mikanikos

  $p, Not sure how long ago your letter arrived. Hopefully recent. Found it under a pile of ingots. It was covered in grease. Only fourteen words were still legible, and none of them in direct sequence. I assume you included some new curio in the package. In which case, I'm certain I've already found it, disassembled it, and reassembled it at least once already. It was no doubt illuminating. Your friend, Mikanikos

  $p, 不知道上一次收到你的信是什么时候,希望没多久。 我在一堆金属锭下找到了你的信,上面还沾满了油。 只有十四个字还看得清,而且没能连成一句话。 我猜你在包裹里带来了新的珍玩。我估计已经找到、拆解并且至少拼起来一次了。 那确实很有启发性。

  你的朋友, 米卡尼科斯

  $p, I seem to have forgotten where I was going or why I was going there. It was likely important. I found your letter in my bag. Perhaps you know what I was doing? If it helps, I appear to be near a large tree and... that's it. Please send instructions. Your friend, Mikanikos

  $p, 我好像忘记要去哪里以及为什么要去了。好像是个挺重要的地方。 我在包里翻出了你的信,也许你知道我该做什么? 如果这算是提示的话,我正在一棵参天大树附近,然后……没了。 请尽快发来指示。

  你的朋友, 米卡尼科斯

  $p, Great letter. Diagrams of relics and technology you have encountered recently on your travels are very appreciated. I will memorize them before distributing them to the forgehands for further study and experimentation. If I am not mistaken, one of the designs you sent will make a powerful new hat for Bron. Will try soon. Your friend, Mikanikos P.S. Bron says hello.

  $p, 不错的信,我很感谢你能分享在旅途中遇到的古物和技术图示。 我会先记住它们,然后把它们交给铸手,进行后续的研究与实验。 如果我没会错意的话,你送来的某张设计图可以为布隆制作一顶强大的新帽子。 我会尽快试试。

  你的朋友, 米卡尼科斯


  文官阿得赖斯提斯 Polemarch Adrestes

  To $p, You must warn me before opening your letters with amusing anecdotes. I nearly cracked a smile in front of the other polemarches. That said, you are correct. It was quite entertaining when Theotar did that... thing at the Ember Court. You have some wild friends, $p. I am glad to count myself among them. By the grace of the Archon, Polemarch Adrestes

  (There is a small disclaimer stamped at the bottom of the letter.) This letter is and all of its contents are the sole property of the Archon.

  致$p, 下次在信里分享如此有趣的奇闻时,请事先提醒我。我差点就在其他文官面前笑开了花。 但你说得没错,西塔尔在灰烬王庭做……那件事的时候,确实让我很愉悦。你真是有不少了不起的朋友啊,$p。 我也很荣幸能成为其中的一员。

  愿执政官的恩典照耀你, 文官阿得赖斯提斯



  To $p, Thank you for obtaining permission from General Draven to send me a thorough copy of the Stone Legion's military regulations and procedures. It was both an enlightening and rewarding book to read during my off-duty hours. I look forward to discussing it further with the general and the other military leaders at your next Ember Court. Until then, Polemarch Adrestes

  (There is a small disclaimer stamped at the bottom of the letter.) This letter is and all of its contents are the sole property of the Archon.

  致$p, 谢谢你获得了德莱文将军的许可,为我送来了顽石军团的军规和章程副本。 这既能对我有所启发,也很适合在闲暇时间里阅读。 我很期待在下一次灰烬王庭上与将军和其他军队指挥官探讨。

  愿我们早日相会, 文官阿得赖斯提斯



  To $p, Thank you for your letter. I sat on the edge of Hero's Rest, overlooking Purity's Pinnacle in the distance, as I read it. It was a valuable reminder of the victories we are winning across all of the Shadowlands. We will restore things to their proper order--even here, as the Forsworn assault our temples and attempt to sabotage us from within. We will prevail. We must. In honor, Polemarch Adrestes

  (There is a small disclaimer stamped at the bottom of the letter.) This letter is and all of its contents are the sole property of the Archon.

  致$p, 感谢你的来信。读你的信时,我正坐在英雄之眠,俯瞰着远方的纯洁之巅。 这让我们回想起了在暗影界各地赢得的光辉胜利。 在这里,弃誓者还在袭击我们的神庙,尝试从内部颠覆我们。但我们终将让万物恢复秩序。 我们将会胜利,也必须胜利。

  心怀荣耀, 文官阿得赖斯提斯



  西卡 Sika

  $p, Thank you for letter. It was very long. Please be more concise next time. Efficiency essential to all of life's endeavors. Sika

  $p, 感谢你的来信。 信太长了。 下次简短些。 效率是万千追求之本。


  $p, Sika happy to hear that you are busy. Very good. Sika also busy. Very good. Come to Sika's workshop soon and we stop being busy. We just be friends. Sika

  $p, 西卡很高兴得知你的忙碌,非常好。 西卡也很忙,非常好。 有空来西卡的车间,就能不那么忙碌了。我们只做朋友之间的事。


  $p, Your story in letter is good. Sika read it to all aspirants who come ask for help. All must hear good story of Sika's best friend. You are story hero now. Come tell story in person soon. Sika

  $p, 信中的故事不错,西卡读给了所有前来求助的候选者听。 所有人都要听到西卡最好朋友的故事。 你现在是故事中的英雄了,快来亲自讲故事吧。


  裴拉戈斯 Pelagos

  My friend, It was good to hear from you. I wrote back as soon as I was able, and I hope you will do the same. I love reading the stories of your adventures, particularly when you journey with others united in purpose. Tell me,





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